
Viraj Ramlakun has been with Royal HaskoningDHV since 2017. He started as an engineer and quickly worked his way up to where he is now – Associate Director of Industry, Energy, and Asset Management for Southern Africa. Viraj’s passion for the company is evident, and his desire to perpetuate its success is even more so.

His biggest source of enjoyment is his ability to make an impact at a higher level. “I enjoy the business development side of things. I enjoy striving for excellence during my project executions. Now that I have a bit more authority and wider exposure to the organisation, I can contribute even further to project and technical excellence."

The culture at Royal HaskoningDHV was what attracted him most. He had reached a plateau in his previous role and was growing bored.

“Personal growth is important to me because I have a strong growth mindset. So, I started looking for environments rather than companies. I came across Royal HaskoningDHV, and it was the most diverse company I'd ever worked for.”

The endless opportunities for learning and exposure grabbed him right away. “The training courses that you are encouraged to do are endless... You're not going to get bored here!”

What’s the best part of your job?

“I enjoy being at a level where I can oversee the entirety of the projects; where I can have a lot more involvement with our engineers, modellers, project managers, and the projects as a whole.”

And his biggest source of pride at the company? Following in the footsteps of his past and current line managers, whom he describes as focused, hard-working and having a very similar mindset to his own.

“I challenged myself and worked in areas outside my comfort zone and I was successful at it. That was a turning point for me. I’m very proud of making that impact; of helping ensure that the organisation I am part of is successful and delivers the quality promised. So, I'm proud to say that I work for this company because I'm part of a much larger picture. I'm not just part of Royal HaskoningDHV because they're great at what they do. It's because they’re great, and I can contribute to that greatness.”