
Pat van Wyk is all about people – which would make sense considering that she’s in communications and HR. Why both, you ask?

Pat initially started at RHDHV as an external communications adviser. “For most of my career, I worked in PR and comms, and that’s why I joined RHDHV. Soon after joining, I took over internal comms and was communications manager until August 2021.

During COVID, I worked very closely with our HR director because the Pandemic meant we switched to remote working almost overnight, and were faced with a whole host of other challenges – so we needed to work on communicating with our people in different ways, and much more often than ever before.

When she left, I was asked to lead the HR function. I was like, ‘what?! It wasn’t something I expected. But here I am!”

Pat joined the company for its people and purpose, she says. “When I went to interview at RHDHV, I got a good feeling in terms of the vibe and the people – they seemed immediately authentic and down-to-earth. When I researched the company, I found it fascinating. I’d worked all my life in the software tech industry, and found Engineering intriguing because it is so tangible, varied and also increasingly connected to the digital world. I really enjoy that we make a difference to society.”

The thrill of watching others thrive

What is it that inspires Pat in the HR space? “I think, for me, it is closely linked to the diversity and inclusion element,” she says. “I had close relationships with  diverse people of all kinds in my upbringing, and also really enjoy engaging with people who don’t fit the “typical” mould of society. So, there’s that, and then obviously, looking at the change in people when they move out of an environment where their potential is stifled into one where they can grow is fantastic. It’s amazing how people can thrive in the right environment.” 

She says that her perception of HR has changed significantly since joining RHDHV. “I was never interested in working in HR because my perception was that it’s not an innovative business function and that people working in HR do these tedious processes. But HR has changed with the world. And now it's actually an exciting space where it's not only all these philosophical and psychological things that you think about, but it's also about new tech and tools that you can use to look after the company’s greatest asset – its people.” 

So, how do comms and HR link? “There’s so much that good comms can help you achieve in HR,” says Pat. "Better, more human communication will help drive the culture you wish to instill in the company. It can help people see their value, encourage them to speak up, and be confident in themselves.” 

Helping people reach their potential gives Pat pride in her role. When she joined the company, she focused on increasing exposure for RHDHV by getting coverage for the business in mainstream media every month. Naturally, that meant sourcing content from within the business. “I'm proud of how I've helped people to see that they are actually thought leaders, whereas before, they would feel that they don’t have much to say. Helping them share their thoughts and opinions on the platforms they deserve to be in is incredible to see.” 

In summarising why her job is both challenging and interesting, Pat says it’s about getting people to unlock their potential. “That’s really it, for me,” she says. “I think the type of people who are drawn to engineering are interesting, clever, and passionate about what they do, and what they do matters to the world – it matters to people, to society. And it matters to me.”