
Lishen Govender’s passion for project management gets him out of bed in the mornings. He’s been with Royal HaskoningDHV for three years and has enjoyed working on “remarkable projects” from inception all the way through to completion.

His greatest motivation, however, comes from working with people and bringing people together, which he thrives on as project manager for the Industry, Energy, and Asset Management Advisory Group for South Africa.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with brilliant minds who are pioneers in the industry. I am quite hands-on, in the sense that I’m frequently communicating with team members, seeing where I can assist or support them, to ensure that we can deliver projects to the expected levels and that everyone – the client and the team – is happy.”

He also finds joy in the variety of industries he gets to work in and the opportunities to learn about them. “I've been lucky enough to work in consumer goods, aviation, and oil and gas. It’s exciting for me, to expand my knowledge in the various sectors. It’s something I’m proud of and excited about,” he says.

One thing he’s learnt is that success in these sectors takes a willingness to tackle challenges and an ability to work under pressure.

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 “I was selected to be part of the Future Leaders Programme. It has been a great journey so far. The company invests a lot of time, money, and resources into its people, and I definitely see the benefit for young professionals looking to pursue a role in leadership one day.”

Teamwork makes the dream work

Lishen believes that he is only as strong as his team, and that success can be linked to the exchange of ideas and by seeking diverse perspectives on complex challenges. This, he says, should be followed by team agreement on how to continue.

He admits that there have been challenging projects, but that he could always rely on his team to pull together and pull through. “Everyone is invested; there is unwavering dedication,” he says.

Another aspect of teamwork that he particularly enjoys is the feedback he gets. “Through feedback, you learn where you can improve, but you also get recognition for the good work you have done. And that’s a­n important part of the company culture – providing constructive feedback to employees.”

Lishen speaks fondly of the culture at Royal HaskoningDHV. “Overall, it’s the attitude of the company. It accommodates people, allows them to be themselves, and offers them the freedom to do things on their own or in their own way – within limits, of course. There are just so many opportunities to further your career. Whatever your ambitions are, you’ll find support in this dynamic, diverse team.”

 He remarks on the company’s fluid structure, which gives new people opportunities to fill strategic roles and bring in fresh perspectives. “That's what you need. It’s an excellent approach, and it also motivates people to try to get to that next level. I think this is one of the main reasons why RHDHV has been in operation for so long.”